Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): GiLE Journal of Skills Development
GiLE Journal of Skills Development

Commitment is the foundation of great accomplishments. At the GiLE Foundation, we are dedicated to diagnosing as well as solving the problems young people face in terms of their personal skills development. We focus on publication and knowledge transfer, and at the same time, aim to empower young researchers and young professionals. Furthermore, the journal now includes shorter, more accessible pieces of content to complement the more traditional full-length articles.

Vol.2 No.2. features nine selected articles in five different categories: (i) Traditional Research, (ii) Early Career Research, (iii) Guest Column, (iv) Food for Thought, and (v) Policy and Social Challenges. The fifth category is a new addition to the journal that invites submissions from students, graduates, employers, career counsellors, academics, and anyone involved in policy decision-making. The contributions in this current issue can be grouped into two main categories: leadership skills and the importance of employability skills.

Editorial Message

Judit Beke
Editorial Message