Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- I confirm that my research relates to young adult skills development.
- I declare that this manuscript is my/our original work. The text, images, or any other material included in the manuscript contains no violation of any existing copyright and does not infringe any rights of third parties.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- My manuscript adheres to the GJSD Author's Guidelines, including using the GJSD manuscript template. If not, I have included a detailed explanation to the Editor in the Comments box.
- Where available, DOI URLs ( for the references have been provided.
- The submission is in OpenOffice (.odt), Microsoft Office Word (.doc, .docx), or RTF (rich text format) document file format.
- All listed Authors participated in the work in a substantive way and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work.
- Authors who submit papers to this journal agree to the following terms: The paper will be made Open Access under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the Author(s) is properly cited. The Author retains all proprietary rights in addition to copyright, such as patent rights in any process, procedure or article of manufacture described in the Contribution. The Publisher and users have non-exclusive rights under the terms of the CC-BY 4.0 License. “Contribution” means the article submitted by the Author for publication in the Journal (including any embedded rich media) and all subsequent versions. The definition of Contribution does not extend to any supporting information submitted with or referred to in the Contribution (“Supporting Information”). To the extent that any Supporting Information is submitted to the Journal, the Publisher is granted a perpetual, non-exclusive license to publish, republish, transmit, sell, distribute and otherwise use this Supporting Information in whole or in part in electronic and print editions of the Journal and in derivative works throughout the world, in all languages and in all media of expression now known or later developed, and to license or permit others to do so.
- The following information shall be clearly identified in the manuscript: (1) all financial and material support for the research and work; (2) any financial interests the Author(s) may have in companies or other entities that have an interest in the information in the Contribution or any submitted Supporting Information (e.g. grants, advisory boards, employment, consultancies, contracts, honoraria, royalties, expert testimony, partnerships, or stock options); (3) indication of no such financial interests if appropriate; (4) there are no conflicts of interest relating to the manuscript, except as disclosed.
- The manuscript and any submitted Supporting Information contain no libellous or unlawful statements, do not infringe upon the rights (including without limitation the copyright, patent or trademark rights) or the privacy of others, do not breach any confidentiality obligation, do not violate a contract or any law, or do not contain material or instructions that might cause harm or injury, and only utilize data that has been obtained in accordance with applicable legal requirements and Journal policies.
Guest Column
This section features short pieces by invited Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) whose area of professional or research expertise is relevant to the current Issue and the scope of the journal in general.
Food for Thought
GJSD has introduced a new section specifically for authors with a non-academic background who wish to contribute to the dialogue between the journal and its readership. Up to two such “Food for Thought” pieces may be published per issue.
These sections are perfect for both academics and industry (length: maximum 4 pages). Data based essays, industry case studies, and commentaries are welcomed, however, articles with a philosophical perspective on aspects of personal development may also be accepted. In exceptional cases, we can consider longer papers at the discretion of the editorial team if the submission demonstrates significant academic or practical value. Up to three such pieces may be published per issue.
Early Career Researcher Articles
To address the unique challenges that they face in academic publishing, GJSD has introduced a new section specifically for Early Career Researchers (ECR). Research articles from Master's, PhD and postdoctoral students and young professionals are therefore welcome. Articles will be evaluated in terms of their methodological quality and research importance, and the journal will allow negative results to be published.
ECR authors can expect an efficient and constructive publication process, particularly where the peer-review process is concerned. Reviewers will aim to provide specific, supportive feedback where manuscripts have room to improve.
Research Articles
All research articles published by the GJSD undergo a double-blind peer-review and upon publication are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.
Practical Proposals for Social Impact
The 'Practical Proposals for Social Impact’ invites submissions from activists, social entrepreneurs, socially aware members of the business community, and others with an academic or policy background with a keen interest in social or environmental issues where young people can be viewed as important stakeholders from a skills perspective. We encourage authors to identify and discuss an existing policy or social challenge affecting young people and either describe the results of an innovative attempt to solve it (even if only partially), or offer new directions that may be taken towards addressing it.
Submissions for this section can be 2-3 pages long.
Case Studies
Quality data-based essays that document an attempt to solve a skills development problem and case studies - both real and conceptual - that relate to the journal’s broad remit are also welcomed in a Case Studies section.
Citizen Science
Our Citizen Science section thus features articles written by members of the general public who have worked alongside professional researchers on a collaborative project touching on areas where young adults are important stakeholders from a skills perspective.
Extended Essays
Under the section ‘Extended Essays’, the GJSD provides a more diverse and engaging mix of longer articles. The pieces should be able to make a significant contribution to the field of skill development, and the ideas presented should be new and innovative.
Expected length: 2000-4000 words.
Copyright Notice
Only submit material and content that is your (or your team's) work entirely.
GJSD is an open-access journal: all of its content is available for all users without any limitations and registration requirements, and readers are able to access all published content free of charge.
GJSD does not charge its Authors any fee whatsoever including, among others, article processing charges (APC) or submission fees.
For all articles published in GJSD, copyright is retained by the Authors. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.
Authors are free to upload a copy of your article to any open-access repository (i.e. ResearchGate, etc.) so long as the article's publication in GJSD is accurately acknowledged, particularly along with its uniquely assigned DOI as well.
Permissions: Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors. Please be aware that some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free and that GJSD will not be able to refund any costs that may have occurred to receive these permissions. In such cases, material from other sources should be used.
For manuscripts reporting studies involving human participants, the GJSD requires a statement from Authors to confirm that the appropriate ethical approval/s has been received, along with details of the approving ethics committee/board, and that the study conforms to recognized standards, see for example the Declaration of Helsinki and US Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects.
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Your information is collected and processed by the Ifjúsági Paktum Egyesület (Pact for Youth Association). By using this website, you agree to the Pact4Youth Privacy Policy. (Adatkezelési Nyilatkozat)