Adaptability and problem solving as survival skills
Cover of GJSD Vol. 2, Issue 1.


problem solving
school-university partnership
initial teacher education

How to Cite

Thant Sin, K. K. (2022). Adaptability and problem solving as survival skills: How did student teachers learn to survive?. GILE Journal of Skills Development, 2(1), 61–70.


This study investigates student teachers' adaptability and problem-solving abilities during their practice teaching in a school-university partnership. The study explores how student teachers tried to adapt to the new school environments and how they overcame the obstacles they encountered. This study applied a mixed-methods design. In the quantitative part, 50 student teachers participated, and four student teachers volunteered for interviews. The results showed that student teachers used their adaptability and problem-solving skills to win stressful situations, including difficulties in teaching and learning and communication with school teachers. In addition to that, student teachers also increased their self-confidence and learned to build professional identity.


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