Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) is a transdisciplinary area that joins neuroscience, psychology, and education to inform teaching practice and educational policy with research that can be translated into applicable and reflective tenets and principles of how students learn more effectively. It is well established in the MBE literature that what leads students to success are not only cognitive abilities but also beliefs and attitudes towards learning, which forms a complex and multifaceted universe with different levels of influence. This study has conducted a literature review on the contributions of MBE concerning these beliefs and attitudes and attempted to summarize them into a useful guide that might help students reflect on their academic achievement throughout life. Four essential elements were analysed and discussed, namely: growth mindset, metacognition, self-efficacy, and neuroplasticity. It is argued that these concepts are of paramount importance to anyone who wishes to accomplish both academic and career goals and they are aligned with the notion of lifelong learning.
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